2009年12月11日 星期五

Week Ten

Q1: From 1~10 (with 10 as the highest score), how well are you two doing? Please grade yourselves and give a suggestive score.
After discussion
We decided to give us 7.
Q2: How and why did you two decide the score?
We both tried hard to do our own part well, and our content is quite abundant. We do answer all the questions and we try to illustrate our ideas about those tasks as clearly as we can. We take this assignment seriously and hope to do it well. However, we didn't fulfill our task on time every time. Although, we didn’t finish it before dateline sometimes, we still made a lot of effort to do it. That is why we think we can get 7.
Q3: What kind of improvement are you two making in the remaining weeks of the semester?
Q1: From 1~10 (with 10 as the highest score), how well are you two doing? Please grade yourselves and give a suggestive score.
After discussion, we decided to give us 7.
Q2: How and why did you two decide the score?
We both tried hard to do our own part well, and our content is quite abundant. We do answer all the questions and we try to illustrate our ideas about those tasks as clearly as we can. We take this assignment seriously and hope to do it well. However, we didn't fulfill our task on time every time. Although, we didn’t finish it before dateline sometimes, we still made a lot of effort to do it. That is why we think we can get 7.
Q3: What kind of improvement are you two making in the remaining weeks of the semester?
I hope we can have more chances to discuss those issues. I also hope that my key pal can response my opinions in time. Although our progress is a little fell behind, we will try to catch up the progress.

3 則留言:

  1. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  2. I'm very sorry that I kept you waiting! We just discussed Task 8. We'll revise it a little. ^^

  3. [Comments from My Blog]

    Discussing on the Messenger, we gave us 7.

    Both of us made effort to write our reflections on the tasks. My keypal did a great job. She deserves a higher socre. The points taken off are because of my lateness.

    To imporve our interaction, after I respond to my keypal's articles, she can respond to my comments.
